Virtual World Directions

Note: These are the directions my students will be using in order to complete portions of their Utopian Society Project.

Virtual World Directions:

  1. Choose five places, buildings or rooms that you feel are important to your story.
  2. For each place, find descriptive literature from the book to help describe the world to others.
  3. Find or create a picture that is appropriate and helps create the environment of each place.
  4. Identify any characters or objects that might be in the room.  For example,  in the 1984 world a wall screen would be important or in the world of Fahrenheit 451 books would  probably need to be placed in some of the rooms.  Don’t forget, the objects don’t just exist in blank space.  A book would probably be found on a table, in a drawer, on a book shelf or some other object.
  5. Be prepared to explain why your group chose each of the five places.

Lit Circle Report Directions:

  1. Summarize the major events in your story and explain what you think the author is trying to say. (Theme)
  2. If your story has a society that is already established (The Giver, Fahrenheit 451, 1984) explain the major conflict(s) your character has with the society.

2.1.     If your story develops a society (Watership Down, Lord of the Flies) explain how the society was developed and the leader was chosen.

  1. If your story has a society that is already established explore the mindset of the creators of that society.  Why did they develop the laws and hierarchy special to that society?  Was it to promote certain values or deter ideas?

3.1.    If your story develops a society explore the mindset of the leader(s).  What were the primary concerns of the group when the society was forming?  Did they change and how?  What values did the leaders express as they formed their society.

  1. How did language and/or communication play a role in the society found in your book?  Were there words unique to your world?  Did words in your book have a double or alternative meaning from words in our society?  Did the rulers control or try to shape the language?  Why?
  2. Compare the society in your book with our society.  Are there ideas in the book that you would like to see implemented in our society?  Are there particular ideas in the book that disturb you and you would want to safeguard our society from?
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