Final Project

During the course of our studies this year we have examined how the invention of the written word allowed cultures to share their ideals and authors could pass their own values on to future generations.  Thus when we read Beowulf we saw how the early English defined a hero and we saw how the anonymous author added in his Christian values.

We examined how Chaucer used English to criticize his contemporaries while connecting to the common people by penning his stories in the common language of the people.

We read Macbeth and learned that language continued to evolve and saw how it could translate into other mediums such as the play.

We also watched several movies and learned that even though the medium and the genres may change but certain archetypes remain constant.

For the final project you are going to define and defend your own definition of literature.  I have located one resource for you, written by Jim Meyer, that attempts to define literature. I have also identified a matrix for viral videos created by, Kim Knight, that you can use.  You will use Meyer’s prototype example and Knight’s matrix to put forth a candidate that you feel would be best example of a viral video. You can use Viral Video Chart to explore the top viral videos of all time.

You will then use Meyers essay, your prototype video, and any other sources you found to give your definition of literature and then explain whether you believe that viral videos can be considered literature according to your definition.

You will present your paper and your video in class.  The paper should be written in MLA format including a works cited page.  In order to demonstrate why the video you chose is the best prototype example you will need to use the matrix on three videos as a comparison.  Including the three matrices your definition of literature and your defense for or against viral videos being a form of literature, and the works cited page the paper should be a minimum of  5 pages.

The paper presentations will begin on May 31st.  This is the final week of school and the papers need to be presented in front of the class in order to receive credit for the ELA standards on presentation.  This paper will demonstrate your mastery in research, reading, writing, speaking, and formulating opinions and will be used as a final instead of an exam.

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