Syllabus for Explorations in Society Development

Explorations in Society Development is a thematic study based on the transformation essay I wrote for Dr. Webb’s English 6800 course.  The course asks students to examine the development of societies and their values, so that students can create, evaluate, and partake in a society of their own.    Throughout the course, the student will be comparing a society that they created to different theories, utopias, and dystopias that they will read about to  question what works and what doesn’t work.

Learning outcomes:

  1. The student will explore, discuss and understand a wide variety of literature in a variety of genres from fiction to non-fiction, from classic to contemporary and from text to film.
  2. The students will understand why societies are important, how societies develop and participate within a society that they developed in the classroom.
  3. The student will identify their core values and develop a society that incorporates those ideals.
  4. The student will relate how literature connects with their life.
  5. The student will utilize 21st century technology to develop a multi-media project.

Section 1:  The Peak of Civilization?

  • Video Clip: The Matrix “The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization.” –Agent Smith
  • Discussion:  Are we at the peak of civilization, is there or has there been a better civilization/society?
  • Discussion: How are societies created?

Section 2: Society Origins

Section 3: Creating The Ideal Places

Utopias in Faith Texts

Economic Utopias

Political Utopias

Section 4: What happens when it all goes wrong?

Powerful Leaders

  • Text: excerpts from Mein Kampf by Adolph Hitler
  • Movie: Schindler’s List dirceted by Steven Spielberg
  • Video: Joseph Stalin Declassified from The History Channel
  • Video: Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple directed by Stanley Nelson

When Societies Conflict

  • Movie: Kingdom of Heaven directed by Ridley Scott (Crusades)
  • Text: Annexation John O’Sullivan (Manifest Destiny and British Imperialism)
  • Movie: Last of the Mohican’s
  • Movie: Ghandi
  • Movie: Rabbit Proof Fence
  • Movie: Mister Johnson

Section 5: Lessons Through Dystopia

  • Movie: 1984
  • Movie: Farenheit 451

Literature Circle Studies:

Section 6: Bringing it all together

  • Virtual world creation and exploration.

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